
Battle Angel Alita Volume 1 Read Online

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Bentley ★

I know I'k not the but one who saw the trailer for the movie that will be coming out this yr and knew I had to get my hands on the source fabric.

I'thou totally a newbie to graphic novels and manga. Bated from a brief obsession with Sailor Moon when I was a teenager, I'thousand woefully unfamiliar with all anime and nether-read in all areas of manga. Picking upwardly the Palatial edition of Battle Angel Alita was sort of a bound of faith for me, but having read the get-go book tonight I'g hopeful that this wi

I know I'm not the only one who saw the trailer for the movie that will be coming out this twelvemonth and knew I had to get my hands on the source material.

I'm totally a newbie to graphic novels and manga. Aside from a brief obsession with Sailor Moon when I was a teenager, I'm woefully unfamiliar with all anime and under-read in all areas of manga. Picking up the Deluxe edition of Battle Angel Alita was sort of a jump of religion for me, but having read the first book tonight I'chiliad hopeful that this will end up an unexpectedly pleasant surprise for me this month!

Book 1, entitled Rusty Angel starts the reader off with a very, very soft introduction to the world as Alita is scavenged from a junkyard by a crafty repairman named Ido. This beginning volume seeks to innovate the readers only to the very surface of the world, the fine art mode, and the characters. The telescopic of the world thus far remains centered around but what Alita is currently experiencing. She is a cypher through which the audience volition continue to learn about the world.

Information technology makes for an extremely fast-paced read. It feels fresh and exciting, as there'south really zip to exist confused past quite yet. The comprehend artwork for the volume definitely feels dated in comparison to some of the newer manga and comics I saw sitting on the shelf in the bookstore, merely somehow it totally works hither. It lends the story a gritty, retro experience that I'm totally into.

There'southward a definite focus on introducing elements of the story through action every bit well, which I personally think is the best way of delivering information most the world. Through a number of battle scenes and their consequences, we the reader learn about Alita'south capabilities, and the abilities of a number of other cybertronic characters that exist in the world. Engineering science is definitely fundamental hither, and I truly enjoyed some of the ways it is implemented in the various activeness sequences.

Be wary though, this is definitely not for the faint of heart. There'southward a off-white amount of gore in here, although bluntly I retrieve that's to exist expected considering the title! My one qualm with this was that some of the dialogue felt a trivial stilted, especially in the second half, but otherwise I was totally invested.

Tin can't wait to see where the story goes next!

[Shai] Bibliophage
AℳY♔Queen of Fat cats♔ 민윤기's fiancée♔Anti-YA books

GUYS!!!!!!! THE Motion picture IS SO And so Skilful!!!!

Even meliorate THE ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL the picture is based on it's

For all of us in the KU elite it's F. R. E. E. FREE!! We look all smug now!!

SMUG 'cuz it's FREE for us!!
For united states in the Kindle unlimited elite the Kickoff three Tankaubon a.yard.a volumes are gratis!!


The movie is amazing guys. Really information technology is. Best movie I've seen in years and I spotter movies in the theater every calendar week. It's so different and unique. Don't miss it at the movies with 3d a


GUYS!!!!!!! THE Picture show IS And so Then Skilful!!!!

Even meliorate THE ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL the pic is based on information technology'south

For all of us in the KU aristocracy it's F. R. East. E. Gratis!! Nosotros look all smug now!!

SMUG 'cuz it's FREE for the states!!
For us in the Kindle unlimited elite the FIRST 3 Tankaubon a.k.a volumes are complimentary!!


The movie is amazing guys. Really it is. Best pic I've seen in years and I picket movies in the theater every week. It's and then dissimilar and unique. Don't miss it at the movies with 3d and Dolby sound because the sound and visuals are DOPE!!!!! SO SO GOOD.



GUYS!!! Action-packed and Unique!

...more than
Afterwards reading a string of rotten books as of late, this, I'm happy to say (or is that relieved?) this was incredibly refreshing. The story was interesting, but different and very piece of cake to follow. I loved the fact that the general tone was night, and kind of creepy. Alita is a kick ass female with a range of abilities. The characters were developed well plenty, and all were interesting in their own manner. I loved the artwork as it actually made the story come up live. I'm looking out for the next install After reading a string of rotten books every bit of late, this, I'g happy to say (or is that relieved?) this was incredibly refreshing. The story was interesting, just dissimilar and very easy to follow. I loved the fact that the general tone was nighttime, and kind of creepy. Alita is a kick donkey female with a range of abilities. The characters were developed well enough, and all were interesting in their own way. I loved the artwork as information technology really fabricated the story come alive. I'one thousand looking out for the side by side installment of Alita! ...more
Gianfranco Mancini

With the James Cameron/Robert Rodriguez dream-team live-action movie upcoming next yr, I just thought it was fourth dimension to read again this sci-fi manga classic, and then I dared adventuring into my dusty attic filled with cobwebs, giant spiders and comics packed boxes, and I've took it downwards for first fourth dimension in years...

Surprise, storyline of this early 90s manga anile much well with its cyborgs/humans bandage of characters and deeply emotional atmosphere, merely sometimes information technology seems just an alibi to throw at the rea

With the James Cameron/Robert Rodriguez dream-team alive-activeness movie upcoming next year, I simply thought it was fourth dimension to read again this sci-fi manga classic, so I dared adventuring into my dusty attic filled with cobwebs, giant spiders and comics packed boxes, and I've took it downwardly for first time in years...

Surprise, storyline of this early 90s manga aged much well with its cyborgs/humans bandage of characters and deeply emotional temper, simply sometimes it seems just an excuse to throw at the reader hyper-kinetic and confusing gory fight scenes.

Smashing at all and I recall volume 2 is far better so it'southward time to read it again likewise.

Can't wait for the motion-picture show existence released, luckly I tin can picket once more and again the old anime while waiting for it :p

November xx, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Battle Angel Alita is the best manga I take read in my life (and I have read a lot). It has an amazing steampunk atmosphere, the artwork is very detailed, the attending to engineering science and the terminology they are using gives them an extra touch of realism, and the action scenes are ballsy and brutal.

Of form all that are just surface elements whatever shonentard could say to make even Black Clover to sound like a masterpiece, so let'south move to more than substantial things. The protagonist is for me, by far t

Boxing Angel Alita is the all-time manga I have read in my life (and I have read a lot). It has an amazing steampunk atmosphere, the artwork is very detailed, the attending to technology and the terminology they are using gives them an actress touch on of realism, and the action scenes are epic and brutal.

Of grade all that are just surface elements any shonentard could say to make even Blackness Clover to sound similar a masterpiece, so allow'south move to more than substantial things. The protagonist is for me, past far the best female person character in fiction. She is not defined by her gender or her sexuality, which is the case with well-nigh every female person grapheme nowadays. She has a personality of her own, she is proactive, she is not dependent on men for feeling happy or secure, and above all, she constantly moves forward seeking more about who she is and what she wants in life.

On a superficial level, the story is like a fighting shonen. Progressively stronger enemies appear, the protagonist is an underdog with amnesia that needs to power upwards and vanquish them for protecting her loved ones and somewhen the world, earlier it's revealed she was never an underdog and was special all forth. The huge difference (which is also what makes information technology a seinen past the fashion) is how every conflict is by and large internal instead of external. Every challenge she faces is e'er related to how she thinks and feels; information technology's not some generic one-dimensional villain who wants to take over the earth for the heck of it. Overcoming a claiming is never about punching the bad guy harder than before; it's about facing your fears and doubts. Hear that, D.Grey Human being, y'all piece of shit?

Another great matter about information technology is how it's an actual subversion of typical superhero and fighting shonen stories. The term has lost its meaning these days, since people are using information technology for everything, but this manga is the purest form of it. Every arc starts in a cheesy way, it has a twist that flips around everything yous causeless about it, it ends in a way that feels cathartic, and leads to legit grapheme development. It's not a satire that treats twists equally a joke (One Punch Man), it'southward not trying to be unlike for the sake of being different without actually doing something with it (The Force Awakens), and information technology definitely gives you much more than than what you initially expected out of the premise (Black Clover).

And I accept to point out how it has a smashing plot progression with reasonable threat escalation and never collapses because of ability creep. Getting stronger does non mean something superficial such as your hair having a different color, or your aura is bigger (Dragonball Super). The conflicts escalate in volume every bit they do in importance, commencement from backstreet psychotic killers and go all the way upwardly to demigods that control the solar system. Their motives are not the same generic dominion or kill everything, regardless of how potent they are.

The more influence someone has because of his abilities, drastically changes his responsibilities and motives, which is why the lilliputian street thug does not comport or think the same mode as a demigod, and then even the psychological conflicts gradually alter from petty ones to bigger than life cosmological debates. And this is something I keep hearing a lot of people disliking about after arcs, especially in the Final Lodge sequel. A big part of the story is no longer about Alita, it's about the world around Alita, which makes her feel distant and less relatable because of information technology. Even though that is the whole point of her plot progression; gradually becoming less selfish and more interested in existentialism bug that reach a cosmic level.

Many complaints have likewise been said about the fighting tournament that takes identify in Last Order. A huge function of it shows us what the other characters are doing instead of focusing on Alita all the time. Which is a completely dumb thing to say since that is exactly what made The Zenith of Things the best fighting tournament in fiction. In comparison to the Tournament of Power in Dragonball, which was just Goku and Vegeta steamrolling dozens of nobodies, and the sports festival of My Hero Academia, which was only a few boys screaming at each other with no tension whatsoever, ZOTT in comparison is a masterpiece. It bothers to flesh out nearly of the contestants, while offer world building at the same time, by showing united states all the other places Alita never went to, and yet is supposed to be affecting with her ever-growing powers. Entire universes have been wiped out in Dragonball Super and you lot don't give a shit well-nigh them because y'all know nothing nearly them. How is this better to what ZOTT is doing, you fools? You treat the manga as a fighting shonen and just want to come across Alita equally a waifu that steamrolls everyone. Yous are missing the big picture.

In conclusion, Battle Angel Alita is the best manga ever fabricated, and retains its consistency throughout its duration. It was not ruined like Berserk subsequently the Eclipse, information technology did not lose its plot density like Eden is an Endless World, and it did not mutate from a Parasyte imitation to flower symbolism most one-dimensional rapists (Tokyo Ghoul). As for the complaints near the bug optics Alita has in the upcoming live activity flick, Cameron, yous fucking idiot, every child-like character looked like that in the manga considering of the artstyle. You killed its appeal a yr before the movie is out and you lot will merely manage to brand people to read the manga. Which is ameliorate than nothing I guess. At least this way a lot of people will realize what trash fighting shonen have become present. Fuck mod, Alita is almost thirty years old by at present and information technology wins. As all retro e'er does.

...more than
Jen - The Tolkien Gal
This book was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I'm continuously amazed by the haul of old manga that pops up on Netgalley. These manga take fallen out of recent retentivity. I am and then glad that the publisher's have given reviewers the opportunity to experience these groundbreaking pieces of art that enrich the cyberpunk and dystopian genres - specially in a reading surroundings where the same dystopian concept is reused and regurgitated with small-scale changes.

A homo named Ido fin

This book was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I'm continuously amazed by the booty of old manga that pops up on Netgalley. These manga have fallen out of recent memory. I am so glad that the publisher'southward accept given reviewers the opportunity to experience these groundbreaking pieces of art that enrich the cyberpunk and dystopian genres - especially in a reading surround where the same dystopian concept is reused and regurgitated with minor changes.

A man named Ido finds a battered cyborg woman and makes information technology his mission to restore her. She has no memory of her past. Ido decides to name her Alita. Ido becomes obsessed with taking Alita'southward scant frame and making her beautiful.

Shortly you find out that Ido isn't the sweet, bumbling idiot he seems. However, Alita is not the empty-headed and child-like grown woman she comes across as, either. Luckily, she escapes the pop trope of becoming the child in a adult female'southward body that many female characters in fantasy (who are alien in some mode) autumn victim to.

Hither'southward looking at yous, Bright and Fifth Element

Books with graphic symbol evolution always hitting a sweetness spot for me. From very early on on, Alita is faced with a terrifying dilemma (view spoiler)[ where she believes that Ido is killing people to make up the parts she needs to be mobile again. She knows that Ido has given her a second chance, but is disgusted past her suspicions that he may exist a killer (hibernate spoiler)]

Alita is kind and innocent-looking, just does not take likewise kindly to pressure level from Ido to adjust to his ideas for her appearance and hereafter. The conflict between Alita'southward devotion to Ido and her suffocation from being restrained by him is a major theme in the manga, and it is well-developed throughout.

What I love about older manga is that character design is much more than unique and detailed than in the latest manga and anime.

The character developments, characters' perceptions of others, the influence of their past on their present self, motives and conflicts are subtly but beautifully portrayed. A grapheme with all of these is a well-rounded and corking grapheme. These are things that are oft thrown bated and replaced by superficial characterisations that brand a book fall flat.

At that place are elements common in cyberpunk - bountyhunters, cybernetic surgeons and noir themes. Boxing Ange Alita manages to combine these elements in a balanced manner while still forming new, interesting concepts. In Alita's earth, cybernetic enhancements are something that anybody has, only information technology is never enough - just like money. Considering of the importance of these enhancements, people steal and kill others for something as footling as stronger arms or equally dangerous as human mince-maker of an arm.

In this volume, people battle against internal strife every bit well as cybernetically enhanced monsters. In this book, characters practice not have conflict over the idea of having mechanical parts - instead they are in conflict over what information technology means to exist human being and to have to live with yourself despite your by (or lack thereof).

Edit: And so I institute out this manga is getting turned into a movie past none other than James Cameron. And so I was curious as to how he would portray the fierce but cute Alita.

Image result for battle angel alita james cameron


Ye gods. Kill it with burn.

A pretty cool manga that doesn't realize its full potential in this first book.

A cybernetics doctor finds the remnants of a female cyborg in the scrapyard and decides to rebuild her. He manages to revive her but learns that she's lost her memory. He names her Alita, after his deceased cat.


Alita, afterward seeming a trivial subservient and childlike at first, thankfully before long develops a mind of her own. Thus allowing for a nice dynamic between her and the Doc.

She also slowly remembers a few thing

A pretty cool manga that doesn't realize its full potential in this first volume.

A cybernetics dr. finds the remnants of a female cyborg in the scrapyard and decides to rebuild her. He manages to revive her only learns that she's lost her memory. He names her Alita, after his deceased true cat.


Alita, afterward seeming a little subservient and childlike at beginning, thankfully presently develops a listen of her own. Thus allowing for a nice dynamic between her and the Medico.

She also slowly remembers a few things of her past and after decides to get a hunter-warrior. Someone who hunts downwardly and kills cyber criminals.

And she'south immediately gunning for the big guys.


The unfolding plot is a picayune minimalistic. Just this manga looks very cool and has a kick-donkey heroine to kicking. To run into her finding her force over the course of this volume was very enjoyable.

And she really has to as well, equally she's facing a powerful enemy.


Unfortunately the terminal confrontation was a bit of a letdown.

But this manga certainly got a lot of style and a main grapheme who's story I definitely desire to follow.

I'm looking forward to the next book.


Dec 10, 2017 rated it really liked it
I immediately hunted this down after seeing the trailer, and it did not disappoint! If you're looking for a night manga, cheque this out immediately! I immediately hunted this down after seeing the trailer, and it did not disappoint! If you're looking for a nighttime manga, bank check this out immediately! ...more
David S Meanderings)
Review for both Volume ane and 2

4.5 stars.

Later on rewatching the Alita: Boxing Angel flick recently and remembering how much I dear it, I knew I wanted to finally cheque out the manga that inspired it. I really loved this story that was darker and more twisted than the flick.

I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed the art in this manga. I tend to struggle feeling invested in the activeness in manga considering it is hard for me to follow and fill in the blanks betwixt panels. Withal, I thought that the

Review for both Volume ane and ii

four.5 stars.

Later on rewatching the Alita: Battle Angel motion picture recently and remembering how much I honey it, I knew I wanted to finally bank check out the manga that inspired information technology. I really loved this story that was darker and more than twisted than the movie.

I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed the art in this manga. I tend to struggle feeling invested in the activity in manga because information technology is hard for me to follow and fill in the blanks between panels. Nonetheless, I thought that the action in these volumes was very well done. It was like shooting fish in a barrel to follow what was happening even in the activeness scene panels and the action felt fast paced and had high stakes.

Alita is a compelling protagonist to follow. She is innnocent, yet ruthless. She is often introspective, but confident in making decisions and quick to act. She is kind hearted and trusting. She is besides one of the most BA heroines that I have ever read virtually. Information technology was such a joy to follow such a complex character.

"I don't know if it's a sin, or something to exist proud of. I don't know if it's hate or mourning…All I know is that my tears flowed for him."

I often accept trouble connecting with characters in manga because the medium itself limits the amount of words used and therefore can limit the author's ability to swoop deep into a character's personality, motivations, etc. However, with Alita this was not the case. I instantly felt a connectedness with her honest, wild eyed, hope filled outlook on life even in the midst of the dark and grim reality of the globe. Alita is truly just a skilful person. She wants to practise her best by everybody she meets and contantly gives those she is fighting a chance to give up and surrender. I really love her graphic symbol.

The earth itself is incredibly well done and immersive. Every console felt intentional and added to the story or worldbuilding. I beloved the cyberpunk feel to this globe. This is my kickoff cyberpunk type story and I can tell you that I really bask it and will now be seeking out more stories that are set in this type of world.

This is the first manga that I feel like I have gotten invested in for itself and not but because I accept watched an adaptation previously. Surprisingly deep and meaningful, this is a story of hope in the darkness and of doing the correct thing at all times no matter the consequence. I am really enjoying my journeying through the Battle Angel Alita manga and volition be continuing the series immediately!

Lexxi Kitty
*I received this book from Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for an honest review*

Right, so - this is a futuristic world . . . . and um. hmms. I've no real idea what this world is. I don't even know if it takes place on earth. At that place's this junkyard the main male grapheme lives in, and that the main female character was found in (without her retentivity). At that place's something floating in the sky that was chosen 'utopia', only beyond that I know nothing. Well, not zilch, obviously, not after reading this bo

*I received this book from Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for an honest review*

Correct, so - this is a futuristic world . . . . and um. hmms. I've no real idea what this world is. I don't even know if it takes place on world. There'southward this junkyard the main male person graphic symbol lives in, and that the chief female character was establish in (without her memory). There'south something floating in the heaven that was chosen 'utopia', but beyond that I know nothing. Well, not nothing, obviously, not after reading this volume. But I mean I don't know much about the setting - the world the book inhabits.

I kind of despise the man. 'I would gladly experience their blood on my face! And in exchange I demand you to be as pristine as my dream for you lot!' - so said the man; to which the woman/cyborg responded 'I'm not your wearing apparel-up doll!' - to which I applaud. Mildly.

'I keep hunting for the pleasure'

Wow this is i bloody gore filled manga. Really really bloody/gorey - it seems like . . . what's that chosen, blood porn? Gore porn? Something like that.

Also one in which I didn't really sympathise what was going on 45 percent of the fourth dimension.

This was a very violent, very weird story. I can't imagine it existence turned into a movie, similar the book description on Netgalley noted ('James Cameron is currently producing a live-action adaptation'). Considering the story, and what happens in it, making a live-action film will probably terminate upward looking like that Movie franchise 'Pacific Rim'.

Right, so - that's read. The kickoff book, at least. I do not currently plan to continue the series. This merely wasn't my type of thing.

Rating: ii.78

March 7 2018

L. McCoy
Sep 11, 2017 rated it liked it
Recommended to L. by: Keith
Well this book was certainly interesting though I had some issues with it for sure.

What's information technology virtually?
A guy finds a scrappy robot with AI and subsequently some repairs are done it turns out the robot is really powerful and good at fighting and so she decides to get a warrior bot.

The story is very interesting.
The art... I wasn't too sure at offset simply at present I can say I definitely like it.
The action scenes are very heady and well washed.
The characters are interesting. The master character (Alita) is a reall

Well this book was certainly interesting though I had some issues with it for certain.

What's information technology most?
A guy finds a scrappy robot with AI and afterward some repairs are washed it turns out the robot is actually powerful and skillful at fighting and then she decides to become a warrior bot.

The story is very interesting.
The art... I wasn't besides sure at first but now I tin say I definitely like it.
The activity scenes are very exciting and well done.
The characters are interesting. The principal graphic symbol (Alita) is a really cool robotic bad-a** who never gives up and she is a really cool character!
The dog is a nice touch. I love doggies so much! 🐶

Information technology'due south a bit predictable to be honest.
A lot of it'south very cheesy, especially the chief villain. He's meant to be intimidating merely he'due south really the kind of matter I'd expect from an old Saturday morning cartoon only more fierce (which honestly could be done well only isn't, the author makes it style as well serious). Unfortunately the affair that really ruins the book for me a bit is how cheesy Kishiro makes this potentially great story throughout the entire affair.
In that location's this random baby that'south added merely to add more than peril and this infant is annoying. I will be perfectly honest: I do non like kids, I don't similar having to bargain with (or even hear screaming from) kids in public places (example: the library) and I plan on never having kids (since I'chiliad still a teenager some people tell me that I might modify my mind simply considering I have a literal list of reasons and would be willing to let a doctor use sharp tools almost my genitals to avert it I highly doubt that) and I unremarkably think a volume goes downhill when a child is added to the story with a few exceptions (being Due east of W, Jennifer Blood, Roughneck and The Underwater Welder) and this is no exception. It's but annoying and to make information technology worse at that place'due south these f***ing crying infant sound effects and that sucks for people like me who hear dialogue and audio furnishings in their head while reading (though non in a weird voices in my head manner) so that freaking sucked. (I will requite it this, in that location'south a bully scene where the dog'due south told to take care of the babe and the canis familiaris makes a "urf werff" sound with a slightly deplorable look on it's face, that would definitely be me XD)
Some bits of the story were non well executed and not as clear every bit I would have liked them to be though I'k pretty sure I by and large understood it.

I kinda enjoyed it merely it's not washed very well at the aforementioned time. The art is practiced. The story, action and master grapheme are freaking great! Information technology's but I had major bug, mostly how cheesy they fabricated this book. I don't think I'm bothered to go along reading this series especially since this volume works equally a stand solitary story but it's not bad if you were looking to give it a try.


Feb xix, 2019 rated it really liked it

For full thoughts on the movie adaptation, checkout out this episode of the podcast!

I watched the movie and and so of grade turned to the source material. It was amazing to be how many frames were directly adjusted for the screen. While the motion-picture show was muddled in a style that the manga streamlines, the manga by definition was not as skilful as capturing the action of the story. Some of the art was muddled to me, and it was hard who was where and doing what, specially in the fight scenes. That all

For full thoughts on the movie adaptation, checkout out this episode of the podcast!

I watched the moving-picture show and then of course turned to the source material. It was amazing to exist how many frames were directly adapted for the screen. While the movie was muddled in a way that the manga streamlines, the manga by definition was not equally good as capturing the action of the story. Some of the art was muddled to me, and it was difficult who was where and doing what, particularly in the fight scenes. That all said, I'm fascinated by this world and this character. I love the relationship between Alita and Ido and I want to keep reading to see where information technology goes, in case nosotros don't get that Alita sequel...

...more than
I watched Alita Battle Angel on TV recently — well, I watched bits of it and missed the ending, because I got distracted. Nevertheless, information technology looked good and information technology turns out that some of the comic is available on Kindle Unlimited. At least I won't have gotten the gratis KU trial for goose egg! Then:


Very pretty! Good introduction to the globe and characters. Good level of suspense.

Ido finds Alita on a scrap heap and makes her functional again. She quickly emancipates herself and gets a job as Hunter-Warrior and selection

I watched Alita Battle Angel on Television receiver recently — well, I watched bits of it and missed the ending, because I got distracted. Still, it looked good and it turns out that some of the comic is available on Kindle Unlimited. At least I won't have gotten the costless KU trial for null! Then:


Very pretty! Practiced introduction to the earth and characters. Good level of suspense.

Ido finds Alita on a scrap heap and makes her functional again. She speedily emancipates herself and gets a job as Hunter-Warrior and picks the biggest and blue-chip cyborg as her first mission.

I recognized major parts of the story from the movie. The movie makers apparently made an effort to stay shut to the source fabric, fifty-fifty down to the look of the characters.

I liked the artwork of this manga quite a lot. The outset of the story likewise actually appealed to me. The last office with the final battle didn't do much for me though. The evil opponent was just childish in my opinion. And the explanations of what fight move worked how didn't fit smoothly into the narrative. I was disappointed in the catastrophe.

I just merely realized that this mange is over 30 years old. Kudos for a pivotal manga! Pity that the final confrontation didn't live up to the strong beginning.

Mar 15, 2017 rated it it was amazing

four.v* For the series.

Information technology took the first few arcs to go my bearings well-nigh where the story was going early on - I was worried that it was stagnating! But no, it only got better and better up until the stop and I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading. The illustrations were just gorgeous, characters memorable and the story was emotionally gripping and pleasantly unpredictable. Plenty of classic sci-fi ideas come into play but were all skilfully handled. I'd recommend this manga to anyone who enjoys sc


4.5* For the series.

It took the kickoff few arcs to become my bearings about where the story was going early on - I was worried that it was stagnating! But no, it just got ameliorate and ameliorate upwardly until the finish and I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading. The illustrations were simply gorgeous, characters memorable and the story was emotionally gripping and pleasantly unpredictable. Plenty of classic sci-fi ideas come up into play just were all skilfully handled. I'd recommend this manga to anyone who enjoys scifi/dystopia, a expert cry and a decent dose of action with a badass and iconic female protagonist.

...more than
Lauren Stoolfire
Before this month I saw Alita: Battle Angel at the cinema and it was pretty absurd to come across on the big screen. The visuals are sleek and the world-building that we get is quite interesting, but there was so much more I wanted to know. That's why I decided to try the original manga to see how they compare. Now that I've read the first volume of the manga, I think I can say that I think I enjoyed the motion picture accommodation a niggling more in the long run. Most of that is because I felt similar I was miss Earlier this calendar month I saw Alita: Boxing Angel at the movie theater and it was pretty cool to encounter on the big screen. The visuals are sleek and the world-edifice that we get is quite interesting, but there was and so much more than I wanted to know. That's why I decided to endeavour the original manga to encounter how they compare. Now that I've read the first book of the manga, I call up I tin say that I retrieve I enjoyed the movie accommodation a little more in the long run. Most of that is considering I felt like I was missing something right from the start. We barely become a taste of the surface of the world and characters that some things like character decision making skills and the world itself don't make much sense. It's probably a skillful matter I saw the movie first actually. I haven't decided if I desire to continue on with the manga or the anime, yet.

Tim Chang
Dec 22, 2012 rated it it was amazing
easily in the superlative five sci-fi manga series of all fourth dimension (along w/ Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, and Macross/Robotech) -- techno-punk at its best, featuring over-the-top cybernetic martial arts and gorgeously intricate artwork
Aug 04, 2018 rated it liked it
I read virtually of this series back when Viz first published it in the traditional western comic volume class in the 1990s, and I've had these collected editions on my shelf for years, merely I'm merely just rereading it for the first time. (I figured I'd refresh my memory earlier the new movie comes out.) This has some very prissy fine art, though it's a little hard to "read" at times in this reduced size. There isn't much to the story apart from Alita's revival and her ongoing battle with the notorious brain-eati I read virtually of this serial back when Viz commencement published it in the traditional western comic book form in the 1990s, and I've had these collected editions on my shelf for years, but I'thousand only just rereading it for the start time. (I figured I'd refresh my memory before the new movie comes out.) This has some very squeamish art, though information technology'due south a little hard to "read" at times in this reduced size. There isn't much to the story autonomously from Alita'due south revival and her ongoing boxing with the notorious brain-eating cyborg Makaku, whose character is quite over-the-meridian. If I recall correctly, there's more grapheme development to balance the action in subsequent volumes. ...more than
Himanshu Karmacharya
3.5/5 stars

Boxing Angel Alita takes place in a dystopian cyberpunk world, where Ido, a cybernetics doctor finds a broken and amnesiac cyborg in a junkyard, who he names Alita, and rebuilds her.

The characters are yet to be fleshed out, and the villain of this arc feels very superficial and so far, but the plot, action and overall setting keeps the readers intrigued. The manga is also gorgeously drawn, so detailed and beautiful.

A must read for fans of sci-fi and cyberpunk.

Sep 27, 2019 rated it really liked it
I will not stand by, in the presence of little reviews for this manga! So I am a massive fan of the new Alita Battle Affections film, as it's easily my favourite film of this year and so far! So I'd idea I'd give the manga the film is based on, a read and see if it's any skillful.

First off I will say that the artwork is amazing and and so well drawn! Some of the panels were even recreated directly in the picture show which only makes me love it fifty-fifty more than. And similar the moving-picture show, the action scenes are fantastic! In othe

I volition not stand up by, in the presence of niggling reviews for this manga! So I am a massive fan of the new Alita Battle Affections film, equally information technology's easily my favourite motion-picture show of this year so far! So I'd thought I'd give the manga the movie is based on, a read and run into if information technology's any skilful.

Commencement off I will say that the artwork is amazing so well fatigued! Some of the panels were even recreated directly in the movie which just makes me dearest it even more. And like the film, the action scenes are fantastic! In other respects, some of the characters are kind of brushed over and not adult all that much. The story often feels a little less coherent, compared to the picture and OVA. Granted the manga is the original source material, but I just experience the anime and pic were able to have the story and tell information technology in a more coherent way that felt less scrambled. Otherwise, though this was a good beginning volume and I can't wait to read the next one!

...more than
Juho Pohjalainen
When I was younger, I found this story a existent hotbed of existential terror. Information technology filled my head with uncomfortable ideas of humanity, nature of the mind, source of life and spirit, after on fifty-fifty the universe and its eventual end. I think information technology toughened me up a lot in many ways.

Nowadays I can handle it much amend, and appreciate its potent characterization and growth, groovy activity scenes, and beautiful art. The start'southward a little more than depression-key than I remembered information technology, though, and let's face information technology, Alita is k

When I was younger, I found this story a real hotbed of existential terror. Information technology filled my head with uncomfortable ideas of humanity, nature of the mind, source of life and spirit, later even the universe and its eventual end. I call up it toughened me up a lot in many means.

Nowadays I tin handle information technology much ameliorate, and appreciate its strong label and growth, swell action scenes, and beautiful fine art. The start's a piffling more low-key than I remembered it, though, and let'southward face it, Alita is kind of a dick to the other bar patrons.


I volition admit I saw the motion-picture show first, but the manga didn't disappoint or distract from that enjoyment . If anything, it amplified information technology. Amazing series!


I will acknowledge I saw the pic first, but the manga didn't disappoint or distract from that enjoyment . If annihilation, it amplified it. Amazing series!

February 06, 2019 rated information technology really liked it
Awesome just awesome, now only if the moving-picture show matches the manga. Battle Affections Alita is a story of a girl/robot who is found in a junkyard with only her caput remaining and she is institute by a mechanic who lives in the yard. We don't know who she is and she doesn't remember her history but her heed is of someone who's a fighter and in this kickoff upshot she gets to fight a maggot robot monster who takes over other bodies and consume brains for fun and food. So yes and then far so skillful and time to watch the trail Awesome but awesome, now only if the film matches the manga. Boxing Affections Alita is a story of a girl/robot who is plant in a junkyard with simply her head remaining and she is constitute by a mechanic who lives in the thou. We don't know who she is and she doesn't remember her history only her mind is of someone who's a fighter and in this first issue she gets to fight a maggot robot monster who takes over other bodies and consume brains for fun and food. So yeah so far and then adept and time to watch the trailer once again with new eyes having read the 1st upshot of the manga the trailers I already saw earlier makes it look similar that the movie is based on the first manga itself but there are 9 problems and I intend to read them all before going for the movie. Now I ever thought and planned on reading Death Note as my outset manga merely like I said my laziness and earlier release of the movie in India forced my hand and this became my start manga which I read and what a starting time it was loved it. Loved the illustrations, loved the story, loved the fighting style, loved the execution. Now let's meet if I dear the motion picture the aforementioned way :P

And then yes movie looks good simply I always prefer to read the material get-go on which the movie is based except for Marvel :P and so get read too and read it and so but Keep on Reading.

I have always loved comics, and I hope that I volition always love them. Even though I grew up reading local Indian comics like Raj Comics or Diamond Comics or even Manoj Comics, now's the fourth dimension to catch up on the international and classic comics and Graphic novels. I am on my quest to read as many comics as I can. I Dear comics to flake, may comics never leave my side. I loved reading this and beloved reading more than, you should also read what y'all love and then but Go on on Reading.

...more than
Overall Rating: A
Synopsis: Battle Angel Alita tells the story of an amnesiac female cyborg named Alita. Alita'southward head and upper torso are found in a state of suspended animation by cybermedic/bounty hunter Daisuke Ido while he is searching for useful fleck. After giving her a new body, Alita begins to learn how to live in the Scrapyard, the home of the poor and out-of-luck, who live in the shadow of the floating metropolis of Tiphares, where the rich live. Although she has no retention, Alita presently realize
Overall Rating: A
Synopsis: Battle Angel Alita tells the story of an amnesiac female cyborg named Alita. Alita's caput and upper torso are found in a land of suspended animation past cybermedic/bounty hunter Daisuke Ido while he is searching for useful chip. Later on giving her a new body, Alita begins to learn how to live in the Scrapyard, the home of the poor and out-of-luck, who alive in the shadow of the floating city of Tiphares, where the rich alive. Although she has no memory, Alita soon realizes she knows the legendary Martian martial art, Panzer Kunst. The series follows Alita as she recovers her past and uncovers the secrets of Tiphares.

My just complaint nigh Boxing Angel Alita is that the story tin can get a little slow over the ix volumes. Aside from that, at that place is a lot to love. For a series that was written in 1991, Battle Angel Alita holds up surprisingly well as a scientific discipline fiction story.

Set in a futuristic dystopian society, Alita shares the stage with some excellent supporting characters as well. Along with her father figure, Ido, there is Desty Nova, an insane nanotechnologist, and Kaos, Nova's son, a delicate and troubled radio DJ with psychometric powers. These characters brand Alita more interesting as a character as she struggles to remember her memory.

I definitely recommend checking the series out if you lot're into Scientific discipline Fiction. It may not be as much fun if you aren't a sci-fi nerd like me, merely give a shot and run across what you think. Battle Angel Alita is a classic manga that's worth trying.

For more than manga and anime reviews, please cheque out Hobotaku.

Wayne McCoy
Feb x, 2018 rated it it was amazing
'Battle Angel Alita, Book 1: Rusty Angel' by Yukito Kishiro seems like a timely release with an upcoming movie coming out. It'due south as well a actually expert read.

Daisuke Ido likes looking for cyborg parts in the junk heaps. When he finds the head of a cyborg, he rebuilds her into Alita. Alita has footling retention of who she was before, but she knows she must fight. Afterward a crushing defeat, she is rebuilt into an fifty-fifty fiercer weapon and goes out to get revenge on the scary Makaku.

It's definitely a archetype s

'Battle Angel Alita, Volume ane: Rusty Angel' past Yukito Kishiro seems like a timely release with an upcoming flick coming out. Information technology'southward also a really adept read.

Daisuke Ido likes looking for cyborg parts in the junk heaps. When he finds the head of a cyborg, he rebuilds her into Alita. Alita has footling retention of who she was before, only she knows she must fight. Later on a crushing defeat, she is rebuilt into an even fiercer weapon and goes out to become revenge on the scary Makaku.

It'southward definitely a archetype serial with a deep dystopian SF feel. The world is populated, but it seems as if most people accept been turned into partial cyborgs.

The art is some of the all-time I've seen in manga and I loved the detail. Many of the chapters also included a few introductory colour pages, and these were actually well done. I'm glad I finally got to read a chapter in this classic series.

I received a review copy of this manga from Kodansha Comics and NetGalley in commutation for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.

Victor The Reader
The fantastic start of Alita'due south story is full of intense cyber action and drama as the title grapheme, who know very little of her past after she gets a new life, she discovers the many wonders and dangers of the scrapyard she calls dwelling (Grade: A).
Adam M
So the expect of this book has anile, but the ideas were interesting plenty. There is a floating utopian city and a trash heap below information technology where Alita and the human being who rebuilt her, Ido alive. There is a bunch of tech jargon thrown around and odd little footnotes to assistance brand sense of them. In the 200+ pages of this offset book Alita is discovered, rebuilt a couple times, makes an enemy of the strongest... cyborg(?) in the dump and has to fight him. Information technology's a lot to cover in a showtime book, just the step wo So the look of this book has aged, only the ideas were interesting enough. At that place is a floating utopian city and a trash heap below information technology where Alita and the man who rebuilt her, Ido alive. At that place is a agglomeration of tech jargon thrown around and odd lilliputian footnotes to help make sense of them. In the 200+ pages of this first book Alita is discovered, rebuilt a couple times, makes an enemy of the strongest... cyborg(?) in the dump and has to fight him. It'due south a lot to cover in a kickoff volume, merely the pace worked here. Much slower and I might have had more than questions that kept me from reading on. It's not wholly original, but the take is a picayune different and I'grand likely to endeavour vol 2 to see if this can keep up the momentum. ...more than
I read this for the purpose of a reading challenge. I picked information technology considering I watched the flick a while back and really enjoyed it. But in this format information technology but wasn't for me at all. I read this for the purpose of a reading challenge. I picked information technology considering I watched the movie a while back and actually enjoyed it. Simply in this format it just wasn't for me at all. ...more
Monkey Feyerabend
I have mixed feelings virtually this commencement volume of Gunnm.
The overall concept is interesting, although quite basic. There is a city in the sky, where the privileged ones live privileged lives, which we are not even given to run into at the moment. Underneath lies a wasted state populated by a cyborg-hybrid humanity. Unfortunate souls destined to an eternal proletarian existence, between poverty and violence. In this context, a newly reborn cyborg teen girl without memory has to find some purpose in
I accept mixed feelings virtually this first volume of Gunnm.
The overall concept is interesting, although quite basic. At that place is a urban center in the heaven, where the privileged ones live privileged lives, which we are not even given to see at the moment. Underneath lies a wasted state populated by a cyborg-hybrid humanity. Unfortunate souls destined to an eternal proletarian existence, between poverty and violence. In this context, a newly reborn cyborg teen girl without memory has to notice some purpose in her life. Information technology sounds like a bunch of clichés of the cyberpunk genre, but to be fair keep in heed that this came out in 1990, and at least in the medium of comics it must accept been quite pioneering. (I don't know about sci-fi novels.)
The execution of the idea seems a bit too rushed, at least in these showtime vii capacity of the series. On one hand, there is the obligation of quickly getting to some fighting scene in every episode. On the other, Kishiro cannot wait to let the states know that there are some - supposedly deep? - existentialist themes in his story. The result is a certain storytelling awkwardness, similar when the father effigy/compensation hunter doctor gives an inner monologue to let us know that he accepts the right of her new 'daughter' to chose her ain path.
The graphic symbol of Alita is very iconic from a graphic bespeak of view. Her personality appears to be a bit too self in some moments, contrasting with her bones cuteness and naivety. I was non able to tell if the writer gave her these glimpses of bipolarity on purpose, as subconscious glimpses of a past self. In any case, she felt sometimes slightly annoying to me. Simply not likewise much.
What I did not like is the fast blooming of her fighting skills. We sympathize that she used to be some kind of overpowered human being weapon in a previous life. But the fact that she reacquires these abilities without much struggle seems, again, quite rushed. (The idiots that mutter that female person superheroes in movies and western comics are 'Marysue's' that get trough no struggle in developing their skills should read this manga and tell usa what they think of information technology.)
The main opponent has strongly unappealing look and personality for virtually of the book. He redeems himself in affiliate seven (which I think is missing in some editions, existence maybe postponed to volume 2?). Indeed, towards the stop the fight betwixt Alita and the large guy becomes also ideological, non only physical. Alita states that people are the maker of their own life through their strong will, and that they should do then without complaining. It is quite easy to say that, my dear Alita, when you are a beautiful invincible war machine with no by to hunt y'all, simply a hereafter in forepart of you lot! On the opposite, her opponent is hunted by the nearly horrible unfair past. So much that in the end I was really cheering for the bad guy, thinking 'smash this judgy little bowwow! She knows nada about real life!'. Thankfully Alita is redeemed by a last moment of doubt and compassion.
The art is ok, with simple all the same appealing ink lines and decent backgrounds for a serialised manga. Some characters's designs - like the one for the medico - experience a bit too goofy/cartoonish for the context, merely whatever. The fights are a bit hard to follow, but they do have nice choreographies.

In the finish I was expecting a flake too much from this celebrated series. I will probably go along reading it, but with much much lower expectations.

Carol Flores
Trigger warning: graphic and violent scenes. This should be read simply by +18.

I have mixed emotions well-nigh this, and so I'm gonna try to explain myself:

First of all, it'southward impossible non to compare the manga with the movie directed by Robert Rodriguez because information technology was the bomb when it came out and it still one of my fav movies from 2019.

That being said, I think both of them complement each other, because if I were only to read the manga, I think I wouldn't fifty-fifty like the story at all. Please exist aware

Trigger warning: graphic and violent scenes. This should be read only by +18.

I have mixed emotions nigh this, then I'm gonna effort to explain myself:

First of all, it's impossible not to compare the manga with the motion picture directed past Robert Rodriguez because it was the bomb when it came out and it however one of my fav movies from 2019.

That being said, I retrieve both of them complement each other, considering if I were simply to read the manga, I recollect I wouldn't even like the story at all. Please be aware that this is on my sense of taste lonely but, some of the reasons that fabricated me rate this 3/v are:

-The manga is fast paced and though nosotros have a agglomeration of action scenes, they don't feel dynamic every bit I would have like to. And we but become glimpses of the dystopian world they alive in.

-Character development? What I mean with this is that Alita is a cyborg (?) that has all these powers and she knows how to fight right from the kickoff, with no grooming whatsoever. She doesn't have much charisma and ultimately, she'due south non a relatable character nor someone I feel empathy for. At least, non with the offset volume.

-Ido and Alita have a affair, kind of. In the moving picture Ido is more a male parent-like character, merely in hither they accept an ambiguous human relationship that made me so uncomfortable, more often than not because she's just a kid and he's a grown human being.

-Wasn't a big fan of the art style. This was made +20 years ago, then if you lot're really picky most that like me, this might non exist your loving cup of tea either. Though I did like how characters are drawn dissimilar from each other.

At present, like I said, I call back both movie and manga complement each other well considering in the moving picture we encounter a more 'human' Alita, we see her modify and abound into a badass and likeable grapheme. In the movie, we besides explore the world a little scrap more than and it takes the time to explain what is this most.

Unfortunately, with the manga everything is rushed. There's even so no caption to why in that location is another 'city' higher up the scraps and nosotros don't really know who the big bad wolf is yet.

If I'm being honest, I don't know if I'll be continuing with the series. At to the lowest degree, is not a priority of mine, so I might just end upward DNF-ing the serial. I'chiliad still not sure.


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